BIG Disclaimer - Ladies and Gents - I myself is a big
fan of the Ramayana epic and a true devotee of the lord Ram. This is
just for a fun - no offense intended to the epic nor to any characters of
the same. Just go through the flow.
Other versions that i have read in the past:
S/W engineer version -(
American kid version – (
American kid version – (
(Scene 1 – Forest )
(Lush green
forest – and tar road going through the jungles
– various sign boards. Sita, Ram and Laxman standing on the side of the road and looking to the other side)
(Sita takes
a Coke from her X box and drinks)
RAM: (looks
around) Beautiful !!
SITA: thanks
RAM: (looks at
Sita) – not to you , I am talking about the stalagmite formation of Luray
LAXMAN: Man, its damn hot here – Bhabhi, any more coke left?
SITA: Sorry da..
(Tarzen sound effects)
LAXMAN: Looks like Tarzen is around. If he tries to mess with
me, I am going kiss his A$$ out off.
SITA: (to Ram) Aaryaputhra, can I get a deer?
RAM: I can find one, but did you got other ingredients? Also how
to cook it?
SITA: no, no, just to keep it as pet. When you guys go out, I
will get bored, you know what I mean?
LAXMAN: I think Salman khan has eat all of them, look at the
board – it says elephant crossing – not deer
RAM: Once we get back to the emirates, I will get you
(A deer jumps across, Ram and Laxman runs behind the deer. Sita
holds Laxman back)
SITA: Laxman?
LAXMAN: Yes, Bhabhi?
SITA: Your brother is
going to take time. I know his stamina. I have been telling him do treadmill in
the morning. He is hell bend on to Yoga – and sleeps in Savasana every day?
SITA: I am hungry. Can
we get something?
LAXMAN: OK, You stay here;
Let me if I can find McDonald’s?
SITA: Mc veggie for me –
I am on diet
(Laxman takes a plastic yellow tape from his back pack and makes
circle around Sita)
LAXMAN: till the time I come
back – do not cross this line.
SITA: OK, move on.
(Aeroplane landing sound effects; Ravana enters the scene; He has
got a camcorder in his hand)
RAVANA: I am the king of Srilanka;
my name is Kumarathunga, Ravana Kumarathunga. Yeah, that my last name. I like
you very much, If you can come with me – I can make you the queen of queens;
SITA: (with no interest) whatever?
RAVANA: I have got plane,
Its Russian
SITA: (with no interest) yeah..
RAVANA: Lankstar mall,
that belongs to me; 3 floors in Burj Khaleefa is mine. What do Ram has?
SITA: Word wide chain Ramada Inn is ours – we are on a
holiday here.
RAVANA: Ramada Inn?
SITA: Yes that’s right
RAVANA: I left this hotel
business long time back.
SITA: look man, whoever you are and whatever you have. I don’t know what you want. I am not interested in you, please get
lost before my guys come back
(Ravana tries to cross the line, Sita takes the cell phone and
tries to call)
SITA: Shit, its on
roaming …
(Ravana then open his bag and takes some books out, titles of the book
read ‘the Boko Haram way’, ‘Kid-napping by’ and few others;
chooses a yellow covered one with title reads ‘Kidnapping for dummies by
Veerappan’ and turns the pages)
RAVANA: (whispering),
rajkumar, nakeeran, police line ..
(Ravana puts the book back and moves towards Sita and hold her
(Burglar alarm sound – from behind; Ravana leaves Sita and looks
RAVANA: Hey, hey, who is
that? Who is towing my vehicle?
(Jatayu enters)
JATAYU: I am Jatayu from
Mexico, People call me Hadayu
RAVANA: Don’t you have
IPL9, cricket commentary suits better dude
RAVANA: that’s Jadeja, I am
Jatayu. I wont let you take Sita
(Ravana breaks Jatayu’s arrow and takes away Sita. Jatayu falls
down, then Ram and Laxman enters and holds him)
JATAYU: (looks at sky) Push,
LAXMAN: George W bush?
JATAYU: No no, Pushpak Viman. Ravana has kidnapped Sita and flew to Lanka
(Scene 2 – Another part of Jungle)
(Ram and Laxman is in deep thought of what to do next)
RAM: We need do
something urgent bro?
LAXMAN: How about a Habeas
Corpus petition?
RAM: It is going to
take hell lot of time. Lets us call the MAN
LAXMAN: You mean Hanuman?
(Ram takes the phone dials and talks. Few minutes later loud sound
Harley bike. Hanuman arrives in his Harley)
LAXMAN: We need your
HANUMAN: What the help (hell)
are you talking about?
RAM: A freak from
Srilanka has taken away my babe. We need to make a bridge between Lanka and Tamil
HANUMAN: Don’t worry about
bridge. I have friend who can help in this.
HANUMAN: (looks out side ) Daai
Thirudappa inga vaada thampi.
(Thirudappan enters In kalenger Karunanidhi
style dress)
HANUMAN: He is a big PWD
contractor for Kalenger.
THIRUDAPPAN: Vanakkam saar.
Nan Thirupathi Thirudappan. Neega antha Chennai flyower pathirikangala?
LAXMAN: Hanuman? WTF, I don’t
follow his bloody language?
HANUMAN: (to Thirudappan) Thampi
avanga vanthu hindi.
THIRUDAPPAN: No problem. I am
speaking to English. English theriyuma Unakku? You know English?
RAM: I need a bridge to
Lanka, how soon you can make it?
THIRUDAPPAN: may be a fort night
– 14 days. Pothuma?
LAXMAN: 2 weeks looks to
be cool man.
HANUMAN: Thampi neega Pani
(Scene 3 – Ravana’s palace)
(Ravana’s Palace. Sita sits on the floor and playing in her phone.
Angry birds sound background. Kumbhakarna is sleeping in a bean bag. Ravana
sits on a couch)
RAVANA: Dear, what all I have
not done for you. You should marry me? At no cost Ram is going to make to this
(Sita nodes her face. By this time, one servant enters)
SERVANT: Your highness, Credit
card company person has come. Asking for monthly instalment?
RAVANA: This is which
SERVANT: Sir, for the aero
RAVANA: Ask him to sort
it out with Vibheeshana
RAVANA (to Sita): So
where were we?
SITA: I am very much
even I am hungry. Can you order a Pizza?
(Servant walks to land phone and dials)
SERVANT (to the phone): Hello,
Is this Papa Hut? Is its not?
RAVANA: Then it might be
Pizza Johns.
SERVANT: I need an extra-large,
veg extravaganza with peperoni and macaroni.
SERVANT: Ham? Yes – even that
is vegetarian right?
(By this time, Ram, Laxman and Hanuman enters)
RAM: Hi, I am Ram.
RAVANA: Hi Ram, How are
RAM: I am fine, how
about you?
RAVANA: Pretty good, Its
very hot up here. I am sweating like a Pig. Is it snowing outside?
RAM: Yes, little bit.
We got stuck in heavy snow near to Rameshwaram.
RAVANA (to Servant): Who
is there? Throw these folks outside my palace.
(Sita is still playing in her phone – Angry birds sound continues)
HANUMAN: Brother, it is
good if we talk it out (shows his mussels).
RAVANA: OK, what is the
RAM: I need Sita?
RAVANA: for here OR take
RAM: what?
RAVANA: for here OR to go?
RAVANA: so, the lets have
a deal. It is something like this
(Siren sound - Helicopter sound. FBI enters.One senior agent showing
ID card to everyone including other fellow FBI officers. Another office
hand-cuffs Ravana; Meanwhile Hanuman takes the ID card and pass to others)
FBI: We are from the
FBI, Focana Bureau of .. sorry Federal Bureau of Investigation. Mr. Ravana, you
are under arrest for kidnapping. You have the right to remain violent. I mean
silent. Anything you say, will be used against your generation.
RAVANA: what?
FBI: We were searching
for you for some years now. Apart from Sita we have rescued Miss Chandana Levi
as well. Al-quida has already confessed in Istanbul that they have help you in
stealing Kubera’s aeroplane.
RAVANA: you wont believe
me. It is nor Kubera’s aircraft. I only helped him to steal it from Mr Yuri
Karpov. Its soviet Russian engine.
FBI: Federal law will
take its turn
(FBI takes Ravana away - Siren sound - Helicopter sound)
(Hanuman and Laxman flirt with Miss Chandana Levi)
(Pizza boy delivers the Pizza)
-----THE END-----
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